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Longquan Share Donates 500,000 yuan for Assistance in Overcoming the Virus Outbreak

Longquan Share Donates 500,000 yuan for Assistance in Overcoming the Virus Outbreak

Longquan Share Donates 500,000 yuan for Assistance in Overcoming the Virus Outbreak

[Descripción resumida]In this Spring Festival, the outbreak of noval coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) spreads rapidly, thus arising nationwide panic. Longquan Share actively responds to the severe epidemic control situation and



  In this Spring Festival, the outbreak of noval coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) spreads rapidly, thus arising nationwide panic. Longquan Share actively responds to the severe epidemic control situation and takes social responsibility while carries out comprehensive self-prevention and work resumption .

  On Feb 9th, Longquan Share donates 500,000 yuan through Zibo Boshan Charity Federation to contribute to fight against the disease, which will be used for the medical treatment of NCP .

  Longquan Share and its subsidiaries actively respond to the governmental policy to prepare for epidemic prevention, collect physical conditions of staff members periodically, sooth their emotions and increase confidence, and do not believe in or spread rumors .

  Longquan Share will endeavor to contribute to overcome difficulties. With our joint effort, we firmly believe in winning this battle !!

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