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Unsaturated polyester resin concrete is a composite material, which is cross-linked and cured after mixing unsaturated polyester as a cementing agent with aggregates and fillers. It has obvious advantages over ordinary silicate concrete in mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and damping capacity. Because of its long service life, good corrosion resistance and appearance, it is used to replace the traditional reinforced concrete drainage pipe. PRCP does not need the built-in reinforcement framework, so it has high production efficiency, and does not need later maintenance. The product can leave factory after 24 hours. The compressive strength and flexural strength are more than twice that of ordinary concrete, and the maximum compressive strength can be 200MP above. The average flexural strength in 1d is 20MPa; The average compressive strength in 1d is 90Mpa. Range of application: It can be used for drainage pipeline, ditch, ditch cover inspection well (the pipeline can also be excavated on site to make inspection well or enlarge the hole of inspection well, which will not result in irreparable fracture like ordinary concrete). The same material can be used for the pipeline and inspection well, and resin mortar can be used to treat the interface. They can be treated as a whole with good sealing performance.
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Unsaturated polyester resin concrete is a composite material, which is cross-linked and cured after mixing unsaturated polyester as a cementing agent with aggregates and fillers. It has obvious advantages over ordinary silicate concrete in mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and damping capacity. Because of its long service life, good corrosion resistance and appearance, it is used to replace the traditional reinforced concrete drainage pipe.
PRCP does not need the built-in reinforcement framework, so it has high production efficiency, and does not need later maintenance. The product can leave factory after 24 hours. The compressive strength and flexural strength are more than twice that of ordinary concrete, and the maximum compressive strength can be 200MP above. The average flexural strength in 1d is 20MPa;
The average compressive strength in 1d is 90Mpa. Range of application:
It can be used for drainage pipeline, ditch, ditch cover inspection well (the pipeline can also be excavated on site to make inspection well or enlarge the hole of inspection well, which will not result in irreparable fracture like ordinary concrete). The same material can be used for the pipeline and inspection well, and resin mortar can be used to treat the interface. They can be treated as a whole with good sealing performance.

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